Category image: Fruits


Who knew fruits could come in so many forms? From Boiron’s famously 100% fruit frozen purées to fruit superfoods that are freeze-dried to preserve all their nutrients, we hold a wide array of healthy and gourmet fruit products. Use candied fruits  in your pastries, fruit powders in your smoothies, or delicious asian citrus juices in your sauces! The possibilities to add fruity goodness in your culinary creations are endless.

Fraises en Tranches Lyophilisées 55 g Fruiron
SKU: 240988
Price: 33,00 CA$ 33.0 CAD
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Garniture de cocktail orange 100 g Fruiron
SKU: 241205
Price: 14,18 CA$ 14.18 CAD
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Framboises entières lyophilisées 60 g Fruiron
SKU: 240984
Price: 29,47 CA$ 29.47 CAD
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Garniture de cocktail à la lime 1 100 g Fruiron
SKU: 241206
Price: 16,53 CA$ 16.53 CAD
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Strawberry Powder Freeze Dried 45 g Fruiron
SKU: 240989
Price: 25,94 CA$ 25.94 CAD
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Rondelles de citron Cocktail Garnis 100 g Fruiron
SKU: 241204
Price: 14,18 CA$ 14.18 CAD
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Poudre de Framboise Liophilisée 45 g Fruiron
SKU: 241101
Price: 29,47 CA$ 29.47 CAD
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Baies de Goji Séchées 400 g Fruiron
SKU: 240440
Price: 31,88 CA$ 31.88 CAD
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Gingembre confit 250 g Fruiron
SKU: 152601
Price: 16,53 CA$ 16.53 CAD
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Griottes Dénoyautées Surgelées 1 kg Fruiron
SKU: 153000
Price: 20,07 CA$ 20.07 CAD
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Grains de Maïs Doux Lyophilisés 140 g Fruiron
SKU: 241200
Price: 15,35 CA$ 15.35 CAD
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Bananes Liophilisées en Poudre 65 g Fruiron
SKU: 241104
Price: 14,22 CA$ 14.22 CAD
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Poudre de Canneberge Liophilisée 60 g Fruiron
SKU: 241103
Price: 16,53 CA$ 16.53 CAD
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Banane tranchée lyophilisée 150 g Fruiron
SKU: 241202
Price: 20,06 CA$ 20.06 CAD
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Mûre Liophilisée 50 g Fruiron
SKU: 240986
Price: 23,59 CA$ 23.59 CAD
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Garniture de cocktail aux moitiés d 85 g Fruiron
SKU: 241207
Price: 18,88 CA$ 18.88 CAD
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Bleuet Liophilisé 90 g Fruiron
SKU: 240985
Price: 29,47 CA$ 29.47 CAD
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Abricots de Turquie Séchés 2 lbs Fruiron
SKU: 240119
Price: 34,17 CA$ 34.17 CAD
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Canneberges Entières Liophilisées 120 g Fruiron
SKU: 240983
Price: 23,59 CA$ 23.59 CAD
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Poudre de Mûre Liophilisée 60 g Fruiron
SKU: 241102
Price: 23,59 CA$ 23.59 CAD
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