Category image: Spices (Whole, Ground)

Spices (Whole, Ground)

Spices are the heart of flavour in cooking, offering a diverse range of tastes and aromas to elevate your dishes. Smoked Paprika infuses a deep, smoky flavour into meats, stews, or even roasted vegetables, adding a rich complexity to your culinary creations. Cinnamon Ground (Saigon) lends a warm and sweet aroma to baked goods, hot beverages, or savoury dishes like curries, providing a comforting and familiar taste. Cumin Seeds Whole Brown brings a nutty and earthy flavour, essential for seasoning Middle Eastern or Indian dishes like hummus or curries, while Saffron adds a luxurious touch with its vibrant colour and delicate floral notes, perfect for paellas or risottos. These spices offer an endless array of possibilities, allowing you to explore and experiment with flavors from around the world.

Pâte de Tamarin Thaï 227 g Qualifirst
SKU: 182118
Price: 11,29 CA$ 11.290000000000001 CAD
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Graines de Sésame Noir Entières 500 g Royal Command
SKU: 182050
Price: 17,76 CA$ 17.76 CAD
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Sumac Moulu 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 182062
Price: 18,94 CA$ 18.94 CAD
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Anis Etoilé 160 g Royal Command
SKU: 181695
Price: 21,29 CA$ 21.29 CAD
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Moulin Ail 55 g Drogheria
SKU: 186406
Price: 9,53 CA$ 9.53 CAD
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Moulin Piments Forts Bio 32 g Drogheria
SKU: 186461
Price: 9,53 CA$ 9.53 CAD
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Safran en Boîte Transparente 0.5 g Triselecta
SKU: 183503
Price: 11,88 CA$ 11.88 CAD
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Coriandre Entière 240 g Royal Command
SKU: 181810
Price: 15,41 CA$ 15.41 CAD
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Cardamome Verte Entière 365 g Royal Command
SKU: 181720
Price: 49,53 CA$ 49.53 CAD
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Graines de Moutarde Brune Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181942
Price: 16,59 CA$ 16.59 CAD
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Fèves Tonka Séchées 185 g Almondena
SKU: 182086
Price: 53,00 CA$ 53.0 CAD
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Graines de Fenouil Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181850
Price: 17,76 CA$ 17.76 CAD
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Cardamome Moulue 400 g 24K
SKU: 181725
Price: 58,88 CA$ 58.88 CAD
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Graines de Cumin Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181820
Price: 18,88 CA$ 18.88 CAD
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Filaments de Safran #1 10 g Epicureal
SKU: 183505
Price: 70,64 CA$ 70.64 CAD
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Safran #1 Mancha Espagnol 10 g Triselecta
SKU: 183510
Price: 94,67 CA$ 94.67 CAD
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Clou de Girofle Moulu 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181805
Price: 35,41 CA$ 35.410000000000004 CAD
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Gingembre Moulu 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181870
Price: 17,76 CA$ 17.76 CAD
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Baies de Genièvre Entières 300 g Royal Command
SKU: 181890
Price: 20,12 CA$ 20.12 CAD
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Graines de Cumin Moulues 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181825
Price: 24,76 CA$ 24.76 CAD
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