Category image: Spices & Herbs

Spices & Herbs

Spices & Herbs form the cornerstone of culinary creativity, encompassing a rich variety of essential flavour enhancers. Within this category, explore the vibrant world of whole & powdered chilli peppers, fragrant herbs, and aromatic spices. Delve into the diverse array of salts and peppercorns, each offering distinctive textures and tastes to elevate your dishes. Finally, indulge in the luxurious aroma of vanilla, perfect for adding sweetness to desserts. With Spices & Herbs, your culinary creations are limited only by your imagination, as you embark on a journey of flavour exploration and experimentation.

Piment d'Espelette 250 g 24K
SKU: 181766
Price: 76,53 CA$ 76.53 CAD
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Fèves Tonka Séchées 185 g Almondena
SKU: 182086
Price: 53,00 CA$ 53.0 CAD
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Graines de Fenouil Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181850
Price: 17,76 CA$ 17.76 CAD
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Piment Guajillo Entier 1 lbs Royal Command
SKU: 184103
Price: 28,35 CA$ 28.35 CAD
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Poudre de Vanille 100% (Bourbon) 40 g Epicureal
SKU: 183673
Price: 44,76 CA$ 44.76 CAD
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Cardamome Moulue 400 g 24K
SKU: 181725
Price: 58,88 CA$ 58.88 CAD
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Flocons de Sel de Mer 1 kg 24K
SKU: 183593
Price: 29,60 CA$ 29.6 CAD
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Sea Salt Flakes UK Organic 2 x 240 g Maldon
SKU: 183634-2
Price: 22,45 CA$ 22.45 CAD
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Piments Ancho Entiers 1 lbs Royal Command
SKU: 184100
Price: 37,12 CA$ 37.12 CAD
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Sel de Mer Fumé 180 g 24K
SKU: 183569
Price: 13,00 CA$ 13.0 CAD
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Aneth en Brin 170 g Royal Command
SKU: 181846
Price: 15,41 CA$ 15.41 CAD
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Graines de Cumin Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181820
Price: 18,88 CA$ 18.88 CAD
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Fleur de Sel 1 kg 24K
SKU: 183623
Price: 44,89 CA$ 44.89 CAD
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Filaments de Safran #1 10 g Epicureal
SKU: 183505
Price: 70,64 CA$ 70.64 CAD
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Paprika Fumé Doux-Amer de La Vera 70 g La Dalia
SKU: 184125
Price: 11,82 CA$ 11.82 CAD
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Paprika Fumé Piquant de La Vera 500 g La Dalia
SKU: 184134
Price: 23,59 CA$ 23.59 CAD
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Herbes de Provence (AOC) 25 g Epicureal
SKU: 183531
Price: 9,28 CA$ 9.28 CAD
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Flocons de Sel Noir 180 g 24K
SKU: 183562
Price: 13,06 CA$ 13.06 CAD
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Sel Noir Hawaïen 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181883
Price: 40,06 CA$ 40.06 CAD
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Safran #1 Mancha Espagnol 10 g Triselecta
SKU: 183510
Price: 94,67 CA$ 94.67 CAD
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