Category image: Spices & Herbs

Spices & Herbs

Spices & Herbs form the cornerstone of culinary creativity, encompassing a rich variety of essential flavour enhancers. Within this category, explore the vibrant world of whole & powdered chilli peppers, fragrant herbs, and aromatic spices. Delve into the diverse array of salts and peppercorns, each offering distinctive textures and tastes to elevate your dishes. Finally, indulge in the luxurious aroma of vanilla, perfect for adding sweetness to desserts. With Spices & Herbs, your culinary creations are limited only by your imagination, as you embark on a journey of flavour exploration and experimentation.

Flocons de Persil 70 g Royal Command
SKU: 181980
Price: 11,59 CA$ 11.59 CAD
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Graines de Céleri Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181752
Price: 16,59 CA$ 16.59 CAD
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Cannelle en Bâtons 6' 220 g Royal Command
SKU: 181795
Price: 17,71 CA$ 17.71 CAD
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Moutarde Sèche Moulue 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181930
Price: 15,41 CA$ 15.41 CAD
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Graines de Sésame Entières Grillées 2 lbs Royal Command
SKU: 182055
Price: 25,94 CA$ 25.94 CAD
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Fenugrec Entier 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181855
Price: 14,23 CA$ 14.23 CAD
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Piments Concassés 330 g Royal Command
SKU: 181775
Price: 16,59 CA$ 16.59 CAD
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Aneth - Graines Entières 340 g Royal Command
SKU: 181845
Price: 20,12 CA$ 20.12 CAD
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Ail en Poudre 5 lbs Royal Command
SKU: 181864
Price: 48,66 CA$ 48.660000000000004 CAD
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Poudre de Piment Pasilla 227 g Royal Command
SKU: 184085
Price: 18,35 CA$ 18.35 CAD
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Flocons de Poivre Marash 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181913
Price: 22,41 CA$ 22.41 CAD
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Curcuma Moulu 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 182090
Price: 14,18 CA$ 14.18 CAD
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Cannelle Moulue (Saigon) 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181790
Price: 22,47 CA$ 22.47 CAD
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Poudre d'Oignon 5 lbs Royal Command
SKU: 181956
Price: 43,10 CA$ 43.1 CAD
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Graines de Sésame Blanc Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 182060
Price: 17,76 CA$ 17.76 CAD
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Graines de Moutarde Jaune Entières 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181940
Price: 18,88 CA$ 18.88 CAD
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Origan Émietté 150 g Royal Command
SKU: 181960
Price: 11,29 CA$ 11.290000000000001 CAD
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Piments Entiers (Sannam) 100 g Royal Command
SKU: 181780
Price: 10,94 CA$ 10.94 CAD
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Poudre de Paprika Espagnole 454 g Royal Command
SKU: 181975
Price: 20,12 CA$ 20.12 CAD
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Cardamome Noire Entière 320 g Royal Command
SKU: 181723
Price: 61,23 CA$ 61.230000000000004 CAD
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